The March 200 Club draw took place yesterday at Portway during the dirt trackers' coffee break. (For those not in the know the dirt trackers are volunteers who carry out vital cleaning & light, & sometimes not so light, maintenance work at Portway on Tuesday mornings. If interested in joining please contact me.) Our de facto Operations Director, Tim Bennett, kindly drew the numbers.
The subscriptions for March were up £15 from February, viz. £360. Thus £180.00 were allocated to the Club with the same sums being available in prize money.
The winners were:
1st - No. 47 - Paul Tehan - £90.00;
2nd - No. 45 - Clive Henderson - £54.00;
3rd - No. 82 - Peter Carr - £36.00.
We are always keen to recruit new subscribers. If you are interested in helping financially an important community asset please see FURTHER DETAILS.